Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Miniature in CG: A Possible Direction

Hey Randy! You snooze you lose! I'm posting your email before you can blog it again:

"Hiya Wes, I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow for your tour of my studio, but I just came across a video that made me think of something, and I wanted to see what you thought. There's this guy that does some really innovative animation, name's Stefan Nadelman. He's got some really good stuff. BUT, this link that I'm including uses a sort of composite animation style, using actual photographs as the environments for his animated characters. So, my question is about how easy it is to use this method versus going through the process of building elaborate sets for the stop motion we're planning. We'd still have to use the Forum for the primary character animations, but we might be able to save some time by compositing our characters on top of photos or footage, adding more "realism" to the whole endeavor. What do you think? I don't know how you feel about having to do so much work in computer to finish our piece, but do you think it might be easier or faster? Just throwing this one out there for us all to consider."


  1. I like this idea. I've done similar compositing projects before; I think this is definitely a good direction to look at. I've got some thoughts on the lighting and camera matching that we could talk about next time we get together.

  2. As far as the sets are concerned. This has a strange look to it. It's real, but not quite real. I'm definitely for using photographs, cut outs, images mapped to a plane in 3D...as opposed to meticulously building miniature sets, especially in the context of the PlatteForum creative residency where we have only 8 weeks production time.

    The characters remind me of Steve Odekirk's "Thumbies", or the leads in "Thumb Wars", "Thumbtanic" and "The Blair Thumb"...you guys know what I'm talking about, you've been forced to watch those at my house! :) Sage and I did some tests in AfterEffects to emulate this effect (she acted, I did the compositing) If I can find one of those I'll post it. It's quite creepy.
