Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Instructor Steve Smith give free seminar on Stereoscopic viewing for animation

Hi all, on Wednesday September 9th from 11:45 – 12:15 in the Penthouse (which is the 10th floor) of the Art Institute of Colorado at 1200 Lincoln Street, AiC instructor Steve Smith will be presenting "A Practical Guide to Stereography for Stills and Motion"
This is research from his recent Sabbatical
Some topics to be discussed:
- Use of Print and Computers for Viewing Stereo Images
- Inexpensive viewing methods for Animation and 3D
- Tips for Creating Stereo Stills and Motion Images

Should be a hoot! Hope to see you there.

BTW, I personally visited Steve's house in the mountains a few weeks ago and saw his studio. He's been graphics artist longer than I've been alive, and his interest in computer graphics came at a time when very few considered it "art". But that didn't stop Steve, he completed a master's thesis on replicating tiled patterns and some of the results are absolutely astonishing. (This is not all that he's capable of!)

For more information about Steve Smith and his work, check out his website here!

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