Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Pebble Casserole LIVES!!!

Goals - The Pebble Casserole is a dynamic team of local artists, animators and musicians whose common aspiration is to create a community dedicated to the Art of Animation. Deriving its name from the classic Brothers’ Grimm Stone Soup story, our team will coax tasty bits of hoarded talent from each participant to make a meal that satisfies the community soul. The concept is that by working together, and with everyone pitching in what they can, a greater good is discovered. We hope to complete animated shorts as well as generate storyboards, test animation frames, music and ideas for future productions. During the process, we hope to develop relationships and foster community with both our youth at one end of the spectrum and at the other, local business owners who are interested in the use of animation to create funky commercials and shorts featuring their products and services. One way or another, we will have fun and provide inspiration to the next generation of Denver storytellers.

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