Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On a scale from 1 - 10, I give "9" a "7"

So, Randy Buckle and I payed a visit to the UA Pavilions on the 16th the street mall the other day to see the much anticipated "9". I'm sure you have read similar reviews. I had no idea what to expect, I had only watched the preview before Coraline. The only thing that bothered me about the movie 9 was it's STRICT adherence to the mythic structure of Joseph Campbell, because it didn't stray at all from the time tested (and now a little stale) interpretation of the hero's journey. Also, I could tell that the creators were big fans of The Animatrix, whereby machines with evil red jewels for eyes terrorize the post-apocalyptic "free world" (They could've claimed their own color instead, red was taken). But the steampunk style, design and execution was incredibly beautiful and fascinating. I say, go pay money to see it, because it's beautiful and it supports indie animators like Shane Acker who have brought their stories to a larger audience (with a little help from Tim Burton & Co.)

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